| (white to move)
[Site "London ENG"]
[Date "1851.??.??"]
[Round "3.5"]
[White "Adolf Anderssen"]
[Black "Howard Staunton"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C01"]
[Annotator "Coffey,John"]
[PlyCount "87"]
[EventDate "1851.??.??"]
1. e4 e6 2. d4 g6 { This will create dark square weaknesses that black will later regret.} 3. Bd3 Bg7 4. Be3 {The natural developing move Nf3 is slightly better.} c5 (4... d5 5. exd5 exd5 6. Nf3 {is only minuscule better for white.}) 5. c3 (5. dxc5 { Amazingly is stronger.} Bxb2 6. Nd2 Bxa1 {A mistake.} 7. Qxa1 f6 8. Nc4 { with a better game.}) 5... cxd4 6. cxd4 Qb6 {Premature.} 7. Ne2 (7. Nc3 { is slightly better. Obviously not Qxb2?? 8. Nb5} Qxb2 8. Nb5 Na6 9. a3) 7... Qxb2 {White's counterplay is too great.} (7... d5 8. Nbc3 Ne7 9. Qd2 { with a slight edge for white.}) 8. Nbc3 Qb6 9. Rc1 Na6 10. Nb5 Bf8 (10... Ne7 { is a little better.} 11. d5 Qa5+ 12. Bd2 Qb6 13. Qa4 exd5 14. Qa3 { And black has a lot of problems.}) 11. O-O d6 { Black's position is falling apart.} (11... Qd8 {And black survives longer.} 12. Qa4 f6 13. Bf4 Kf7 14. Bc7 {and black is constrained.} Qe8 15. Nd6+) 12. d5 Qa5 13. Bd4 (13. dxe6 {Is stronger.} Bxe6 (13... fxe6 14. Nf4) 14. Bd4 f6 15. Nf4) 13... e5 14. Bc3 Qd8 15. f4 f6 16. fxe5 fxe5 { The open file for the rook will be ruinous.} (16... dxe5 17. d6 Bh6 { Is not as bad.} 18. Bd2) 17. Qa4 Bd7 18. Bb4 (18. Qa3 {Is stronger.} Nh6 (18... Nc5 19. Bxe5 dxe5 20. Rxc5 Bxc5+ 21. Qxc5) 19. Bxe5 Qb6+ (19... dxe5 20. Rxf8+ Rxf8 21. Nd6+ Ke7 22. Nxb7+) 20. Bd4) 18... Nh6 (18... Nf6 {Is a little safer.} ) 19. Kh1 {White misses the winning move.} (19. Rxf8+ Kxf8 20. Bxd6+ Kg8 21. Bxe5 Nf7 22. Bb2 Rc8 23. Qd4 {Leads to complicated tactical threats}) 19... Nf7 20. Qa3 (20. Qb3 Be7 21. Rxf7 Kxf7 22. Nxd6+ Bxd6 23. Bxd6 Qf6 24. Qa3 Rae8 25. Ng3 Kg7 26. Rf1 Qg5 27. Qb2 Nb8 28. Qxb7) 20... Nc5 (20... Be7 {Is much safer.} 21. Nxd6+ Bxd6 22. Bxd6 Nxd6 23. Bxa6 Qe7 24. Bd3) 21. Nxd6+ (21. Bxc5 { Is apparently crushing.} dxc5 22. d6 Nxd6 23. Qxc5 Nxb5 (23... Bxb5 24. Bxb5+ Nxb5 25. Qxb5+ Qd7 26. Qxe5+) 24. Qxe5+ {is crushing.}) 21... Bxd6 22. Bxc5 Bxc5 23. Qxc5 Qe7 (23... b6 { first is a little better because it makes it harder for white to play d6.}) 24. Qc7 (24. d6 {is slightly stronger.} Qxd6 (24... Nxd6 25. Nc3 Bc6 26. Nd5 Bxd5 27. Qxd5 a6 28. Rc7 Qxc7 29. Qxe5+ Kd7 30. Qg7+) 25. Bc4) 24... Nd6 25. Qa5 h5 {Suddenly black's game is worse.} (25... a6 { allows black to defend Rc7 with Rc8.}) 26. Rc7 Rf8 27. Rfc1 a6 28. Nd4 Rc8 29. Ne6 Rxc7 30. Rxc7 Rf7 31. Qb6 Rf6 {Everything goes bad after this.} (31... Qf6 32. Rc1 {takes some of the pressure off.}) 32. h3 g5 (32... Rxe6 33. dxe6 Qxe6 {allows black to live longer.}) 33. Qb2 (33. Qe3 g4 34. Nc5 Qg7 35. Rxd7 { is a little stronger.}) 33... Nb5 (33... Rxe6 34. dxe6 Qxe6 35. Rc5 Nf7 36. Qxb7 {is less disastrous.}) 34. Bxb5 (34. Rxb7 { Wins faster, but this leads to many complicated lines.}) 34... axb5 35. Qxe5 h4 (35... Rf1+ {Is a little better.} 36. Kh2 Rf6 37. Rxb7) 36. Rxb7 {If black take s with either piece on e6 it will prevent forced mate, but at great cost.} Rf1+ 37. Kh2 {Now Bxe6 delays mate, not that it matters.} Qf6 (37... Rf6 38. Rb8+ Kf7 39. Nxg5+) 38. Rb8+ Ke7 (38... Bc8 39. Qc7) 39. d6+ Kf7 40. Rf8+ Kg6 41. Rxf6+ Rxf6 42. Qxg5+ Kf7 43. Qg7+ Kxe6 44. Qe7# 1-0
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